Her•Story Secular Woman

Her•Story Profile Submission


  1. Profile should be approximately 500-750 words, but can be up to 1200 words.
  2. Content should touch on biographical details, historical context and your subject’s contribution to secularism, broadly construed to encompass scientific advances, literary works, social progress, the arts, or other notable achievements in countering the prevailing orthodoxies of their day.
  3. Include links to external sources within your profile.
  4. An accompanying image (.jpg or .png) of your subject is desirable although not required (and in some cases no likeness may even exist). Images must be (and accompanied by a statement to that effect.):
    • in the public domain, or
    • available under Creative Commons or similar license, and accompanied by all required credits, links and notations, or
    • your own original work,
  5. Please cross-post to your own platform(s) and/or promote your post to your social media network(s) within 7 days after the article is published on the Secular Woman site, and include a link to Secular Woman. The hashtag is #SWHerStory.
  6. Articles may be edited for grammar, length, and other factors. Typically, Secular Woman does not edit for content; we may, though, on a case-by-case basis.
  7. You will receive notification about your submission within 72 hours.
  8. Decisions about publication and editing are at the sole discretion of Secular Woman.

For more information, contact Kim Rippere at president@secularwoman.org.

Her•Story Secular Woman

Her•Story Article Submission Form


  1. Author must be a Secular Woman member submitting their own article (please include a title).
  2. Post should be between 300-600 words ideally, but can be up to 1200 words.
  3. Include links within your article to external sources.
  4. Please do not cross-post for at least 7 days after the article is published on Secular Woman.
  5. Articles may be edited for grammar, length, and other factors.
  6. Typically, Secular Woman is does not edit for content; we may, though, on a case-by-case basis.
  7. You will receive notification about your submission with 72 hours.
  8. Decisions about publication and editing are at the sole discretion of Secular Woman.

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writing background

Article Submission Form


  1. Author must be a Secular Woman member submitting their own article (please include a title).
  2. Post should be between 300-600 words ideally, but can be up to 1200 words.
  3. Include links within your article to external sources.
  4. Please do not cross-post for at least 7 days after the article is published on Secular Woman.
  5. Articles may be edited for grammar, length, and other factors.
  6. Typically, Secular Woman is does not edit for content; we may, though, on a case-by-case basis.
  7. You will receive notification about your submission with 72 hours.
  8. Decisions about publication and editing are at the sole discretion of Secular Woman.

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