Secular Woman advocates for non-religious women by partnering with other organizations that are already working on issues related to our Mission, Vision, and Values. We are interested in education, research, and legislative advocacy on topics such as equal pay for equal work, gender diversity in corporations and non-profits, reproductive rights, and religious bias in public policy affecting women. Contact Secular Woman about a strategic partnership if we sound like a good fit for your organization.
Our Partners
The Secular Student Alliance organizes, unites, educates, and serves students and student communities that promote the ideals of scientific and critical inquiry, democracy, secularism, and human-based ethics. Secular Woman works with the SSA to amplify the voice, presence, and influence of non-religious women on campus.

Mary Ellen has been with us since the inception, where her many years of expertise within the secular movement, not to mention her IT skills, were, and will remain, invaluable. Secular Woman will be forming a partnership with American Secular Census℠ to work on projects with them that are of mutual interest. This collaboration will allow us to conduct original research related to the secular community and women. Board member Corinne Zimmerman, whose background is in psychology research, will be a vital part of this endeavor.