The Secular Woman Speakers Bureau furthers our mission by bringing more women’s voices to secular and related events. Our list includes speakers addressing a broad range of topics, not all directly related to atheism, secularism, or skepticism. At this point, we do not negotiate any fees or honoraria. Please work directly with the speaker. We want this bureau to be diverse and therefore encourage anyone who identifies as female to add their name to the list. Only members of Secular Woman are included, so please join today!
Kim Rippere
- Secular Woman Co-Founder
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Master of Business Administration with a focus on Managing Innovation and Technology
- Business Executive
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: Case-by-Case
- Region: National
- Topics: Secular Woman, Social Media and Women, Twitter, Social Media, Religious Apartheid, (Sl)Activism, Evolutionary v. Revolutionary Change, Gender and Small Group Decision Making, Business and Nonprofit Operations, Organizational Development, Small and Medium-Sized Business & NonProfit Growth, Strategic Planning, Creating and Maintaining a Social Media Presence
- Comments: Jill-of-All-Trades. There are many topics I can speak to, please ask if your topic does not appear in the list.
Elsa Roberts
- Past Secular Woman Board Member
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging/meals, pass to conference/event
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Secular Woman, My personal experience being home schooled, the homeschooling movement(s), fringe Christian Fundamentalism, end times conspiracy theories, The patriot movement and its Christian fundamentalist base, feminism as skepticism, the interplay between language and gender, Sexual Violence, Consent and religion, sexual fluidity, sex education, what it means to be an LGBT ally, why God is no friend of the LGBT community, queer secularism, the challenges of evidence based practices and skepticism within social justice and progressive movements, and alternative medicine quackery within fundamentalism.
Corinne Zimmerman, PhD
- Secular Woman Board of Directors; Liaison between Secular Woman and the Secular Student Alliance; Liaison between Secular Woman and the American Secular Census; Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Alberta; Specialize in Cognitive, Developmental, and Educational Psychology; Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University.
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Secular Woman, Atheism and feminism, Scientific thinking and scientific literacy, Pseudoscience and motivated reasoning, Gender and small group decision making.
Charlotte Klasson
- Secular Woman Board of Directors
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging/meals, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: USA, Canada
- Topics: Secular Woman, atheism and feminism, National Organization for Women, grassroots and community organizing, legislative activism and advocacy, organizational development for secular groups
Trinity Aodh
- Attended college at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, studying computer and cognitive science before being forced to drop out due to health issues. Two years of gender transition.
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Social Justice especially queer/transgender specific issues, bullying, some cognitive science and language issues
Noelle George
- Foundation Beyond Belief (Operations Manager), Volunteers Beyond Belief (Program Coordinator), Parenting Beyond Belief (Web Events Manager), Mothers Beyond Belief (Founder).
- Email:
- Fees: Travel (case-by-case), lodging (case-by-case), event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Asia
- Topics: Team-building and motivation, event planning and organizing, project management, program development, secular volunteering, parenting, feminism, navigating male-dominated fields, engineering, chemistry.
- Comments: Other topics as requested, weekdays or weekends are available, expenses may be flexible, please contact for details.
Ania Bula
- Contributor to Scribbles and Rants Blog, writer of “Young, Sick, and Invisible: A Skeptics Journey with Chronic Illness”, Volunteer for CFI Ottawa (Publicity and Secretary)
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Minor in Psychology, Three year background in Biomedical sciences. Crohn’s and Psoriatic Arthritis sufferer. Owner of Bula is Editing and Social Media Consulting
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: Case-by-Case
- Region: Anywhere.
- Topics: Pseudoscience and Women, Alternative Medicine, Chronic illness, Women and the Medical community, Sexology/Sex, Feminism, Social Justice and Atheism, Secular Woman, Social Media and Women, Twitter, Social Media, Accessibility, Ethnic Communities and Leaving Religion (Polish ethnicity).
- Comments: There are many topics I can speak to, please ask if your topic does not appear in the list.
Vyckie Garrison
- Blogger at No Longer Quivering, Recovering From Religion, Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) Advisory Board, Secular Woman
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: Case-by-Case
- Region: Any
- Topics: I generally do a brief introduction to my story followed by Q&A. More formal topics include:
Christian Polygamy and the Biblical Family; Birthing God’s Mighty Warriors (The Christian Right’s Plan to Out Populate God’s Enemies); Fertile Ground (How the Religious Home School Industry Markets the Quiverfull Lifestyle to Evangelical Families); The Patriarch’s Wife (How Submitting to My Husband’s Headship Led to a Dysfunctional Marriage of Narcissism and Martyrdom); How to Talk to a Fundamentalist (De-converting True Believers is Easier Than You Think); Happily Abused (What Is Spiritual Abuse?); Escape: How to Help Spiritually Abused Women; Disciplining to Death (Chastening Children the Biblical Way) - Comment: Vyckie has appeared on The Joy Behar Show, The Secret Lives of Women, The Story with Dick Gordon, as well as numerous podcasts and radio programs including Thom Hartmann, Living After Faith, and Godless Bitches. She is a well-respected adversary of Biblical patriarchy and the damages that it can inflict. She started the blog, “No Longer Quivering,” to provide support to women and children who are escaping abusive religious movements, and to provide the public with accurate, compassionate information on the unique challenges faced by the spiritually abused.
- Blogger at Jadehawk’s Blog; contributor to Secular Woman
- Currently studying Environmental Sociology and Social Theory.
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any (Speaks German, Polish, and English)
- Topics:Sociology and Social Theory topics that are relevant to secularism/skepticism(intersectionality, agency, religious influence of secular thinking, etc.); social aspects of environmental issues; mental health and secularism/skepticism; internet as part of “real life”.
Sarah Kaiser
- Field Organizer, Center for Inquiry
- B.S. in Physics
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry (all case-by-case)
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Activism, blogging and other social media, community and branch organizing, student organizing, event planning, the Center for Inquiry, the freethought student movement.
- Comments: Sarah Kaiser is a field organizer for CFI On Campus. Previous to her work at CFI, she got her start in the freethought movement as the co-founder and president of the Secular Alliance at Indiana University , where she helped organize a nationally recognized atheist bus ad campaign and large campus speaking events. As an atheist, a feminist, and a small part of the universe’s way of understanding itself, she is thrilled at the chance to help advance CFI’s mission of promoting science, reason, and secular values in all areas of human endeavor. You can find her on Twitter: @sarahebkaiser.
Lauren Lane
- Organizer and President of the Board, Skepticon; Contributor to The Friendly Atheist; Co-Captain of the Missouri State University Chapter of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Bachelors of Fine Art–Drawing, Missouri State University; Master of Fine Art–Memphis College of Art; Bowstaff Skills
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging (Case-by-Case), event entry (all case-by-case)
- Honoraria: Case-by-Case
- Region: Anywhere!
- Topics: Grassroots organizing, Women and Atheism, Feminism, Art and Religion, Event Organizing, Social Media, Fundraising, Community Building, Awesomeness
- Comments:Most of my fees are negotiable because I know what it is like to be putting on an event with a budget of zero. I am more than happy to talk about most any subject and look forward to hearing from you!
M. A. Melby
- Contributor to Atheist Voices of Minnesota: an Anthology of Personal Stories
- Bachelor of Science in Physics; Master of Science in Applied Physics; Master of Music in Computer Music and New Media
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Education, Navigating male dominated spaces, The nature of science, Online debate, Personal experience of deconversion.
Ashley F. Miller
- Blogger at Freethought Blogs; Blogger at the Secular Coalition for America; Blogger for SheThought; Campaigned for HRC during the Prop 8 campaign in California; worked for the South Carolina Arts Foundation; Writer for social media news outlet
- Currently getting PhD in Mass Communications at USC; MFA in Radio, Film and Television Production, BA cum laude in Film Studies
- Email:
- Fees: Travel (case-by-case), lodging (case-by-case), event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Film, television, feminism, gay rights, activism, communication, rhetoric, the bible, christianity, history, prop 8, the arts, social media, the internet, ukulele
- Comments: Previous speaking engagements include: The Amazing Meeting, Dragon*Con, and The Unite Against the War on Women Rally
Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson
- Founder and Organizer of Richmond (VA) Clinic Defense; Founder of Richmond NOW; Published writer with several national organizations such as NARAL (National
Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) and Secular Woman; Engaging in ongoing research regarding girls and technology in my capacity of school librarian - BA Humanities (Washington State University, 2005) MLIS – Master of Library and Information Science (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2008)
- Email:
- Fees: Travel, lodging, event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Virginia, Washington D.C., and nearby states (just ask!)
- Topics: Reproductive Rights, Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs), Atheism, Education, Preteen and Teen Girls, Clinic Defense, Activism 101, Young Girls and Technology
Stephanie Zvan
- Blogger at FreethoughtBlogs, radio host for Minnesota Atheists’ “Atheists Talk”, guest lecturer at Normandale Community College
- Bachelor of Arts in psychology
- Email:
- Fees: Travel (case-by-case), lodging (case-by-case), event entry
- Honoraria: None
- Region: Any
- Topics: Psychological pseudoscience, “scientific” racism and sexism, cognitive biases, postmodernism, religious skepticism, sexual assault, communication, life on the internet, feminism, classism, art as activism
- Comments: Experienced and well-regarded moderator for group and panel discussions